Commission Rates

- My Day Rate includes 6 to 8 hours of work.
- If you are in-queue behind other commissions, I will give you an estimate on when I will start work on your commission and when you can expect final work to be completed.
- Quotes are calculated as: Estimated Full Day(s) to Complete X Day Rate X Additional Fees = Cost of Commission
- All commissions include a plain-text file with pre-written alt-text that can be used when sharing the work in contexts that support alt-text such as websites and social media posts.
- Email commission requests to [email protected]. I attempt to respond to commission requests within 1 week of receipt.

Day Rates

Client TypeDay Rate in USD
Personal$200 (~$25/hr)
Commercial (indie/small biz)$300 (~$37.50/hr)
Commercial (large/corporate biz)to be determined at time of contract

Commission Estimates

ScopeX Day Rate
B&W Sketch1/2
Spot/Text-Filler w/o Background1/2-1
1 Figure w/o Background1-2
1 Figure w/Background, Multiple Figures, Detailed Architecture/Landscapes1-6
Covers & Posters3-10

Additional Fees

Rush Job+25%
No release under CC by 4.0+100%

All rates are consistent with, or in some cases well under, the recommended rates of the Graphic Artists Guild.CC by 4.0 Release
- 90 days after first commercial use of the art by the Client, or 90 days after final art is provided to the client for personal use, the Artist may release the art under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Work For Hire
I firmly believe in creator-owned work and only take on work for hire contracts for existing IPs at rates that appropriately cover full rights transfers. Contact me by email if you wish to discuss a work for hire rate.

Commission Terms

The following language is commonly used in my contracts. The contents of your contract may vary from this language based on the specifics of your commission. Be sure to read your contract and send me any questions about its terms prior to paying your first invoice.1. Payment & Delivery
- All fees will be billed to the Client via PayPal invoice. Invoice(s) will state deadline(s) for payment.
- Work will begin upon payment of first invoice.
- Any remaining balance due upon the Client’s acceptance of final Work.
- The Artist will deliver all files necessary to enable the Client’s usage rights upon receipt of full payment.
2. Revisions & Alterations
- Artist will check-in with the Client with progress at each stage of the Work (i.e. Sketches, Pencils, Inks, Colors)
- The Client may request one pass of revisions at each check-in.
- Additional revisions will be billed at 25% of the original commission fee.
3. Rights Granted
- Rights granted are conditional upon receipt of full payment.
- Personal Use enables the Client to use the Work in any non-commercial context. The Client cannot license the Work to other entities.
- Commercial Use enables the Client to use the Work in commercial contexts. The Client cannot license the Work to other entities.
- The Client cannot create, sell, or distribute the Work as Non-Fungible Tokens (NFT) or any other type of blockchain reliant crypto-art.
- 90 days after first commercial use of the Work by the Client, or 90 days after final Work is provided to the Client for personal use, the Artist may release the Work under a Creative Commons 4.0 International License Agreement. Preventing or altering the release of the Work in this way shall require payment of an additional fee subject to all terms.
- Any usage rights not exclusively transferred are reserved to the Artist. Usage beyond that granted to the Client herein shall require payment of an additional fee subject to all terms.
- Original Work, including sketches and any other preliminary material, and all copyrights therein, remains the property of the Artist unless the Client pays an additional fee subject to all terms.
- The Artist retains the rights to display all Work created for the commission, including preliminary materials and final art, in their portfolios, including in print and online, and to submit such work to art and design periodicals and competitions.
4. Attribution & Contributor Copies
- To credit the Artist under the terms of this contract, the Client shall credit the Artist as: “JN Butler”
- In contexts where a link to the Artist’s work is appropriate, the Client shall link to: “”
- The pronouns she/her/hers and/or they/them/theirs will be used when making reference to the Artist in any medium.
- If the work is included in publication of physical products and/or digital files, the Client shall provide the Artist with at least 1 contributor copy of each category of product (for example: 1 softcover book and 1 PDF).
5. Penalties and Fees
- The Artist does not charge a penalty for late payments, however, the Artist reserves the right to publicly and privately make others aware of the Client's lack of timely payment should an agreeable adjustment to the payment schedule not be reached.
6. Unauthorized Use
- The Client will indemnify the Artist against all claims and expenses, including reasonable attorney’s fees, arising from uses for which no release was requested in writing or for uses exceeding the authority granted by a release.
7. Limit of Liability
- The Client agrees that they shall not hold the Artist or their agents or employees liable for any incidental or consequential damages that arise from the Artist’s failure to perform any aspect of the Project in a timely manner, regardless of whether such failure was caused by intentional or negligent acts or omissions of the Artist or a third party.
8. Acceptance of Terms
- The payment of the first invoice by the Client shall evidence acceptance of these terms by the Client.
- Receipt of payment by the Artist shall evidence acceptance of these terms by the Artist.

Creative Commons Licensed Art

The art in the google drive link below is available for personal and commercial use under the terms of a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.JN Butler Art CC by 4.0 Google DriveAs long as you abide by all of the terms of the CC by 4.0, you can use this art by including one of the three labels below in your project — plainly visible and easily readable (the hyperlinks in the labels are appreciated, but not required). Replace "Art Title" with the title(s) of the attributable piece(s):“Art Title” by JN Butler CC by 4.0
“Art Title” by JN Butler is licensed under CC by 4.0
“Art Title” by JN Butler is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
If you’d like to help fill this collection with more art, commission me! 90 days after publication of the commissioned art, or 90 days after final art is provided for personal use, the art will be released here under CC by 4.0.


Jaen Nighly Butler is an artist whose work explores the fantastic, the sublime, & the macabre. She specializes in striking black & white compositions, as well as vividly colored iterations of their line-art for banners, covers, posters, & more.Jaen can be reached at [email protected]


Art Books
- Drawing: Space, Form, and Expression, W. Enstice & M. Peters, ISBN 978-0-13-603190-1
- International Drawing Annual, Manifest Gallery, International Release, ISBN 978-0-578-02500-1
- For a Better Tomorrow, ed. S. Ghosn, ISBN 978-0-9823159-9-6
- 10 MILLION HP PLANET, Sandy Pug Games,
- AEGIS, Erik Bernhardt,
- All Must Bow, Bleak Horizons Press,
- Apocalypse Keys, Sword Queen Games & Evil Hat Productions, Evil Hat Productions, ISBN 978-1-61317-202-5
- Combat Wheelchair v3.0, Sara Thompson, Free on Google Drive
- Dead Reign, Archive15,
- Draxxus's Fortress Of Gehenna, Sandy Pug Games,
- HELLPIERCERS, Sandy Pug Games, Kickstarter
- Little Wolves, Dinoberry Press, Backerkit
- The Map Is Not The Territory, Anthology, Kickstarter
- Medicine on the Path: Disability in the Witcher TTRPG, Sara Thompson, Free on Google Drive
- Monster Manifest, JN Butler,
- A Night at the Tavern, Sandy Pug Games,
- No Way to Make a Living, Metal Weave Games & Sandy Pug Games, Metal Weave Games
- Sidequest, Nirav Sanghani,
- Sundered Sundries, Bleak Horizons Pres,
- Tide Breaker RPG, Nick Butler,
Fiction & Interactive Fiction
- The Exquisite Corpse in Maggots’ Keep, Sandy Pug Games,, ISBN 978-1-7334583-3-7
- WIZARDPUNK, Sandy Pug Games,